Judo Federation of Kyiv

Oleksiy Kostyak

President of the Federation

Dear friends!
I am sincerely glad to welcome you to the official website of the Kyiv Judo Federation!
Today, our Federation, which has about 4,000 people in its ranks, is a recognized leader in Ukraine in terms of the number of medals won at championships of various levels. Our team includes the best wrestling schools, the strongest athletes and coaches.
At the same time, we are not going to stop there. The founder of judo, the Japanese philosopher Kano Jigoro, called general well-being the basic principle of this sport, noting that "it is necessary to use all one’s strength to create well-being for oneself and others."
That is why we, together with you, those people who care about the fate of Kyiv judo, will do our utmost for the development of this sport, strengthen the team spirit of the Federation, thereby motivating our fighters for further victories.
I am sure that on our website you will find all the information you need, related not only to the activities of the Federation, but also to everything that the capital’s athletes live by, multiplying the glory of Kyiv judo on the tatami of Ukrainian and international competitions.
In addition, anyone, adult or child, can join the sports community of our Federation by joining any club or school of the Federation and plunge into the world of judo. I am convinced that together we will be able to do much more for the development of judo in the capital.

Sincerely, Oleksiy Kostyak

leadership Kyiv judo federation

Savransky Oleksandr

Vice President of the Federation

leadership Kyiv judo federation

Koshchavtsev Viktor

Vice President of the Federation

leadership Kyiv judo federation

Ohoba Ihor

Executive Director

leadership Kyiv judo federation

Demchenko Serhiy

Honorary President

leadership Kyiv judo federation

Yudanov Valery

Honorary President

leadership Kyiv judo federation

Dementiev Vyacheslav

Chairman of the Data Commission